What Pandemic?

1 If the covid pandemic was that dire then how come 8 out of last 20 years had a higher death rate than 2020?

2 How come the newspaper  headlines were just the same as in previous years, e.g. March 2018, NHS Intensive Care Units Sending Patients Elsewhere Due To Lack Of Beds, or December 2017, NHS Bosses Sound Alarm Over Hospitals Already Running At 99% Capacity, or December 2016, Hospitals In England Told To Put Operations On Hold To Free Up Beds, etc etc?

3 How come the specially built overflow hospitals were never used?

4  How come the number of deaths attributed to covid is within the range for the number of deaths that are attributed to the flu each year?

5  How come, since the start of 2020, the flu has virtually disappeared?  

6  How come face masks, social distancing and lockdowns aren’t used for the flu, which is caused by a similar respiratory virus that’s transmitted in the same way and causes the same amount of deaths?

7  How come face masks weren’t introduced until after the winter respiratory virus season was over? In the UK it was June 2020.

8  How come people who’d died of any cause, be it suicide, heart attack or car crash, were recorded as having died from covid simply because they’d tested positive for covid in the previous 28 days?

9  How come people who had absolutely no symptoms at all were classed as being infected and therefore infectious with covid? As Kary Mullis, the Nobel prizewinning inventor of the PCR test that’s used to diagnose covid always asserted it’s not a diagnostic test but simply a research tool. As he put it, “PCR doesn’t tell you you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with is going to hurt you”. 

10  How come Sweden, Japan, Belarus and Nicaragua with minimal restrictions and no lockdowns had an average death rate of 391 per million, whilst the twenty countries with strict lockdowns, which included Belgium, UK, Italy, USA, Portugal, Hungary, Spain and France had an average death toll of 1520 per million, i.e. almost 4 times as high? 

11  How come the natural, lifelong immunity that comes from having a viral illness was declared to be inferior to the immunity conferred by a vaccine, when we know that the latter constantly requires boosters doses?

12  How come anyone asking any of these questions has their social media posts censored and is threatened with losing their job?

The average age of death from covid in the UK was 82.5. That’s 14 months beyond the average life expectancy. As the graph shows, the pattern of deaths from covid almost exactly mirrors the normal pattern of deaths, i.e. your risk of dying from covid almost exactly matches your overall risk of dying, give or take a few weeks as you approach the end of life.

In essence, covid is nothing out of the ordinary. You’ve simply been duped.

Those who died from covid were either the frail elderly or those who’d had an underlying pathology – 15% had one, 21% had two and 60% had three or more, i.e. they were in very poor health. Covid is thus only fatal to the damaged and/or the dilapidated and hence barely impacts on life expectancy as these people are close to dying anyway. Were it a lethal infection then it would affect all ages. In other words, it’s an illness of little significance other than being a sign of debility caused by ill-health and/or age. In other words, if you’ve no underlying pathology and you’ve not been made frail through ageing, then you’ve no risk of dying from it. Thus, given that dying is Nature’s way of recycling the damaged and/or the dilapidated, then those who die from covid are simply those who are ripe for recycling. A viral illness is simply a catalyst for that process. This is borne out by the fact that, since the start of 2020, the flu has virtually disappeared, i.e. covid is doing what the flu and other respiratory viruses, of which there are said to be over 200, were doing.

Protecting the vulnerable, therefore, has to be a case of preventing or trying to fix the underlying pathologies that are causing the need for recycling. Face masks, lockdowns and vaccines clearly don’t do this. All they can do, at best, is postpone the recycling process and thereby prolong the suffering caused by the underlying pathologies. Yet they don’t even do that.

The 2010 Cochrane Collaboration study of the flu vaccine concluded that it “has no effect on hospital admissions”, that it “doesn’t stop viral transmission or complications”, and that “the relevant government agencies deliberately misrepresent the science in order to support their universal flu vaccination recommendation”. This echoes what John Anthony Morris, the FDA’s Chief Vaccine Control Officer in the 1970s said, at a time when the FDA actually tested the products themselves, rather than, as they do now, which is to simply rely on the tests done by the manufacturers, who, of course, have a vested interest in making their products appear effective and safe. He stated that “there’s no evidence that any influenza vaccine, thus far developed, is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The manufacturers know they’re worthless but go on selling them anyway. It’s a medical rip-off.” The same is true for the covid shot. Eleven months after its introduction, 86% of covid deaths in the UK were double jabbed, as were 68% of hospital “cases”.

What’s worse is, it’s already known that the flu jab harms us by disregulating our immune system. A 2020 Pentagon study showed that soldiers who’d had the flu shot were 36% more likely to get covid. A 2018 CDC study (see further down the same article), showed that the under 18s who’d had a flu jab were 5 times more likely to develop an acute respiratory illness. Another study (ibid) showed that the over 65s who’d had the flu shot were more likely to die from covid. This goes for the covid shot as well. UK figures show that the all cause mortality rate in the over 80s increased by 200% following its introduction. US figures show that the over 65s are 5 times more likely to die from the injection as they are from covid and that the higher the injection rate, the higher the all cause mortality rate is. This is borne out by the fact that the all-cause mortality rate in 2021 was higher than in 2020. Furthermore, this month, Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, a $100 billion insurance company based in Indiana, made headline news in the Alternative Media when he announced that the death rate on life insurance claims skyrocketed an unprecedented 40% among people aged between 18 and 64 in 2021. Thus, as with the flu shot, the covid shots are not only useless but seriously harmful and so to advocate it is tantamount to murder.

One has to conclude, therefore, that there never was a pandemic. It’s simply the usual winter respiratory virus season, or rather, the usual vitamin D deficiency season (see the previous post below). It’s just that the deranged medical-industrial complex, abetted by rapacious, pseudo-philanthropic investors like Bill Gates, have deliberately misrepresented the season in order to sell us another of their highly lucrative, bogus, toxic remedies using fabricated, shroud-waving, pronouncements. 

This should come as no surprise, given their criminal history, for, from 1991 to 2017, they paid out $38.6 billion in penalties for their criminal practices, but which is just a fraction of the $711 billion that 11 of the largest companies made in just 10 of those years, from 2003 to 2012. Yet for decades we’ve been gullible enough to let these serial felons loose on our children. However, in attempting to create a regular, purportedly necessary vaccine for adults in a further attempt to assuage their seemingly insatiable appetite for profit and wealth, they’ve shot themselves in the foot by revealing the inefficacy of vaccines – and that’s despite the censorship they’ve instituted in order to protect their fabricated narrative – along with the heinous agreements they’ve wangled with governments in order to shield themselves from the backlash caused by the collateral damage their toxic products create.

Suffice it to say, the only pandemic that exists is the pandemic of ill health that pervades industrialised societies. A US study, for example, found that only 12% of the adult population is actually healthy – in the over 60s it was just 2%. This is caused by a lifetime of toxic exposures and toxic behaviours which comes from allowing a parasitic class to own our means of existence, so that it’s they, rather than Nature, who hold the power of life and death over us and so, through coercion, dictate how we live our lives. The ensuing compliance imprisons us in a false sense of reality that stops us from thinking straight and so makes our attempts to escape both inherently futile and inherently self-destructive.

WHAT the COVID “pandemic” tells us ABOUT the nature of OUR SOCIETY

Evidence abounds that a flu-like illness like covid is essentially caused  by malnutrition, such as a vitamin D deficiency, which is crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system. In the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, for example, which was a hundred times more lethal than covid, 80-90% of children in northern Europe and the northeastern US had rickets, which indicates an extremely low level of vitamin D in the population. An Israeli study showed that blood levels of under 50 nmol/l, (it should be around 150) doubles your risk of being hospitalised with covid. A study done in Italy, which was seriously hit by covid, showed that 76% of Italian women aged 60 to 80 had levels less than 28 nmol/l and 27% of them had levels less that 12.5. Whatsmore, two Spanish studies showed that giving hospitalised covid patients an active form of vitamin D reduced ICU admissions from 50% to 2% and none of those patients died or had complications. 

It’s estimated that 75% of the world is deficient in vitamin D, especially if you live above 35 degrees latitude where the sun’s not strong enough for at least half the year for us to be able to synthesise it in our skin. In these latitudes, flu-like illnesses are seasonal because during the winter months, if we’re not getting it from our diet or supplements, our vitamin D levels will be at their lowest, which manifests itself as colds and flu-like illnesses.

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Given these facts, it becomes patently obvious that the sociopathic measures of face-masks, social distancing, obsessional hand-washing, lockdowns and a vaccine are useless as they can’t do anything to improve our vitamin D status.

Well why’s the government not telling us any of this?

Because, just as Tony Blair was in the thrall of the military-industrial complex when he led us to invade Iraq, so Boris Johnson’s in the thrall of the medical-industrial complex with regard to covid.

The military-industrial complex duped Blair into believing that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was crazy enough to use them at any time. That fabricated nonsense led us to ravage a country just so Business and Industry could not only extort more money from the public purse but cling to the coat-tails of the invading armies and scavenge the rich pickings that came up for grabs. In essence, the invasion was a bogus remedy for a problem that didn’t exist. It was nothing more than a way for greedy, ruthless, psychopathic businessmen and speculators to accrue more wealth by parasitising their own and other people’s societies.

Well it’s exactly the same with covid. The medical-industrial complex has duped Johnson into believing that a deadly virus is causing an illness that’s simply the result of poor diet and lifestyle and is only lethal to those whose bodies no longer function properly, i.e. the sick and the frail elderly. Hence the average age of people dying from covid is 82.5.

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What nails it as a hoax is that 8 out of the last 20 years had a higher death rate than 2020. By misconstruing the cause of the illness and manipulating the data, the medical-industrial complex has managed to create a demand for a another bogus remedy, like the invasion of Iraq was, and so parasitise society in a further effort to assuage their seemingly insatiable lust for profit and wealth, which is where the real problem lies.

But by not wearing a mask you’re breaking the law.

That’s because the Drug and Vaccine Industry has used its vast wealth to capture the workings of the state and subsequently used state power to coerce people into accepting a quack remedy. It’s a situation that any snake-oil salesman would give his eye teeth for. So by wearing a mask, you’re not only affirming that the government is run by big business but you’re substantiating the delusion that wearing a mask can correct a vitamin D deficiency, which makes you out to be a half-wit.

As the millions who marched against the invasion of Iraq demonstrated, protesting doesn’t change a thing. That’s because our society constitutes a system of coercion, where you’re paid to do as you’re told and not as you think – unless, of course, it increases profits. This is a consequence of allowing individuals to own our means of existence, i.e. Nature, our life-support system, so that it’s they rather than Nature who confer existence upon us in exchange for whatever bits of our lives we’re prepared to sacrifice in order to stay alive. In essence, it’s a form of parasitism conducted through the medium of the means of ownership of life, i.e. money, which thus allows the coercer to live off the lives of others. So for the coercer to heed your protests would, for him, be the equivalent of committing suicide. The fact you think he’ll heed you is a delusion he’s instilled into you simply so he can obtain your co-operation in helping him to satisfy his own needs and desires.

Speaking truth to power, therefore, means explaining the pathological nature of our society to everyone we meet with the aim of creating a critical mass of opinion that refuses to accept the deranged thinking of the corporations who are governing us through their control of government.

This is something that’s been enabled by self-serving politicians who are so obsessed with achieving their own dreams and fantasies that they daren’t upset the gravy train that promises to fulfil them.

Explaining all this, of course, isn’t easy because participating in a system of coercion not only renders one’s mind redundant, in the sense that you now simply do as you’re told rather than as you think, but it renders you incapable of rational thought because you’re now ingrained with the delusion that living necessitates sacrificing some part of your life for the benefit of your coercer. That makes living a self-destructive and therefore meaningless act. After all, what’s the point in having to keep sacrificing bits of your life simply so you can keep breathing. This, of course, applies just as much to the coercer as to the coerced for, by preying on the fellow members of his own community, he’s effectively parasitising himself.

Participating in a system of coercion thus imprisons you in a perpetual state of unhappiness and traps you on a never-ending roller-coaster of highs and lows as you perpetually try, and keep failing, to attain what you think will bring you happiness but which, of course, won’t, given that your idea of happiness is based on a false understanding of life. So is bound to be fail. It’s like basing an argument on 2+2=5. So the faith you place in what you think will bring you happiness can only be emotional rather than emotional and rational. This impedes communication because, emotionally, things will mean different things to different people.

It’s the perpetual consumption of resources caused by those repeatedly futile attempts to be happy that ultimately leads to our self-extinction.

The only solution, therefore, is to refuse to participate in the system of coercion that constitutes our way of life. Instead we must return to participating in Nature, given that it’s Nature that actually provides us with existence. This requires obeying Nature’s laws, rather than some parasitic coercer’s laws, since doing the latter will simply lead us to unwittingly plunder and destroy Nature in a desperate attempt to keep ourselves alive, which, of course, will inexorably lead to self-obliteration. Obeying Nature’s laws, on the other hand, will lead us to live an indigenous, ancestral way of life that’s in harmony with Nature to forms a self-sustaining, collaborative community of beings of all shapes and sizes. This has to be the only true source of happiness.